Global Centre of Possibility
Possibility Thinking
The latest news, blogs, and events at the GCOP.
Making Whanganui more Disability Friendly - River City Press Article
Hoping to make Whanganui more disability-friendly for the 25 percent of people with an impairment.
Embodying Possibility Leadership
In part 2 of "Leading through Possibility" Minnie reveals what possibility leadership looks like by reflecting on ten years of work in social change alongside Be. Institute Chair, John Allen.
Reframing Leadership
In the first of this two-part series on "Leading through Possibility", Minnie considers why we must start looking in different places for the leadership needed to take our world into the 21st century.
Not All Bubbles Are Created Equal – Reflections On Covid-19
Minnie shares her experiences of life through the Covid-19 lockdown and ponders how we might embrace Possibility thinking to ensure that accessibility is designed in to all of society into the future.
Let's Get Accessible @ Tech Week 2020
29 July 2020 - "Let's Get Accessible!" at Tech Week is an evening of lightning talks discussing digital accessibility and needs and preferences of users with disabilities.
Possibility Philanthropy
6 August 2020 - This upcoming webinar invites the philanthropic sector to explore new frames for thinking about funding accessibility in the 21st century.
Access Entrepreneur Meetups
The Global Centre of Possibility is hosting regular meet-ups with access entrepreneurs from across Aotearoa
Possibility Leadership Programme Showcase Event 2021
We invite you to watch a our showcase and celebration of Possibility leadership design and innovation here
The Conversation Article by Sally Britnell - Good Design Lies at Heart of Normalising Disability
Imagine a Ministry of Possibility! Possibility design is the only way to an accessible equitable future for us all! Check out this fabulous article on The Conversation by Sally Britnell from AUT!!!
Catering for Travellers with Access Needs a $15k Winner for Tauranga Man
The GCOP@AUT is delighted that 5 of its Possibility Leadership participants received grants from the 2021 Possibility Fund
Minnie Baragwanath Interview with Magic Talk Radio
Magic Talk Radio interview with Minnie Baragwanath
Global Launch Event of the Inclusive Innovation Network (+N)
Excited for the global launch event of the Inclusive Innovation Network (+N)!
Global Centre of Possibility Launches New Access Entrepreneurship Programme
13 Entrepreneurs Lead 11 Projects to Advance Accessibility
Minnie Baragwanath interview with Radio New Zealand
RNZ interview with Minnie Baragwanath Access Leader: “'NZ's hang-ups on abilities and disabilities are holding everyone back”
The Be. Institute Celebrates 10 Years Of Accessibility Transformations In Aotearoa
The Be. Institute was established ten years ago with the goal of making Aotearoa the most accessible nation in the world. Find out what impact has been achieved over the past decade.
Possibility Fund Launches to Back Kiwi Access Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Access innovator Minnie Baragwanath is partnering with other access champions to launch a New Zealand first.
NBR: The entrepreneur pushing for access for all
Minnie speaks to NBR about how we should be using the Covid-19 crisis to ensure society is rebuilt with greater accessibility for all in mind.
John Allen interview with Management magazine
Be. Institute Chair, John Allen, speaks to Management magazine about what New Zealand's future might look like post Covid-19 and how we can support accessibility going forward.